
The hwpwn has common configuration parameters that are shared across the modules. The configuration parameters are:

  • The ts which stands for sample period.

  • The scale which is the default time scale.

The scale is used for example in the plots. When the plot module is used to show a plot, it will use this parameter to adjust the x-axis scale. In the modules commands, whenever you see a reference to \(\mathrm{cfg_\_scale}\), it refers to this scale configuration.

Now that the configuration parameters are understood, how do we change them?

Changing Configuration#

To set specific configuration parameters, the hwpwn options in the command line can be used, as shown below.

$ hwpwn --ts <TS_VALUE> --scale <SCALE> ...

In addition, the flow module supports loading a specific flow configuration file. This configuration file may contain hwpwn configuraiton parameters. Refer to the module documentation on the flow file for more information.